Hair Removal

Hair removal

The concept of removing unwanted hair from various areas on the body, quickly, easily, effectively, and with minimal discomfort, has been a dream for many people. Through the use of medical lasers and intense pulsed light, this is no longer a concept, but a reality.

The intense pulsed light or laser emits light at a wavelength that is targeted at melanin. Melanin is the material that gives color to our skin and hair. The intense pulsed light laser beam is able to pass through the skin and can be absorbed by the melanin in the hair follicle. Therefore, the ideal candidate for this procedure would have “light skin and dark hair”. It is important not to have a tan while being treated with most lasers. However, the intense pulsed light can be used safely in dark skin.

It is important to understand the hair growth cycle to appreciate how this technology works. At any given time, a certain percentage of hairs are in the “resting” phase. The laser will not be effective on these hairs, which is why multiple treatments will be necessary in each area for the maximum result. Subsequent treatments can be done as soon as further hair growth appears. Due to the variation in the number of hairs in the resting phase, certain parts of the body will respond more rapidly and others take much longer to show the effects.

Treatment can take from minutes to an hour or more, depending on the size of the treatment area. There is mild discomfort during either type of treatment and a topical numbing cream can be used prior to the session. There may be some irritation of the skin for a few days but no special aftercare is required. Areas to be treated should not be waxed or plucked. Two to three millimeters of stubble of hair growth is ideal for the treatment session. If you are unable to shave and apply numbing cream, we can do it for you on the day of the treatment, just plan to arrive one hour early.

At this stage of development of laser hair removal, it is not possible to say that all the hairs will be permanently eradicated. As with many medical treatments, some people respond in a dramatic fashion and others do not. Many patients report being thrilled with the improvement even though it may be less than complete. In certain areas, the decrease in the number and texture of hairs has given a very gratifying result.

It is important that each patient is properly evaluated prior to laser or light treatment for hair removal and we look forward to doing this with you.   Please spend a few moments to review our site.

  • Inform us about any allergies, any serious medical condition(s), and all medications you are taking (both prescription and non-prescription)