Lip Lift

Lip Lift: The mouth undergoes many changes as it ages. The upper lip lengthens and sags, the vermilion thins out and takes on a “set” look, the corners droop, and the architecture becomes muted as the “lip roll” and the philtrum flatten and the “cupid’s bow” loses its curves. Eventually, the lower teeth, rather than the upper teeth, show when the lips are slightly parted. Vertical wrinkles appear, nasolabial creases become furrows, and deepening “marionette lines” give the person a downturned and unhappy look. The lower lip changes similarly but less dramatically.

The lip lift is performed to shorten the long lip of aging, allowing the upper teeth to show again when the lips are slightly parted. It also everts more of the upper lip vermilion, thus making the thin upper lip appear more youthful. The scar that lies in the shadow crease between the nostril sill and the lip is virtually invisible.

  • Inform us about any allergies, any serious medical condition(s), and all medications you are taking (both prescription and non-prescription)
  • Avoid aspirin and aspirin-containing medicines for two weeks prior to surgery.

Most surgery is fairly minor and takes less than an hour. Procedures are usually performed as day cases under local anaesthesia. Lip enhancement can be done at the same time as other procedures such as facelift, eyelid improvement, etc. Bruising and swelling may last 2-3 weeks. Overseas patients can return home after a few days.

Another lip augmentation Method is the Dermo-Fat-Graft. This generally involves the removal (from an existing scar area on the body like an appendix scar) of a section of the dermis that boasts an underlying portion of fat. The graft is then trimmed to the correct size and inserted in the desired area of the lip through a tiny incision made on the inside of the mouth. Although some of the fat will be re-absorbed into the body, the portion that remains after approximately 6 to 7 weeks will stay in place. Swelling goes down in matter of days following the procedure.

AnesthesiaLocal with sedation, or general.
Surgery Length1 hour
Side Effects
Recovery PeriodBack to work: 7 days. More Bruising: 2 to 3 weeks.
Stay in Hospital
Stay in Thailand7 days
  • Cold compresses are critical to minimize swelling. Pain medication is needed for a brief postoperative period. The patient cleans the suture lines with peroxide and applies ointment. Avoiding excessive smiling and manipulation is necessary. The patient is instructed to drink through a straw and is to avoid eating or drinking hot or cold substances. The patient usually resumes using lipstick within one week.
  • Patients are up and around immediately following fat injections. Any discomfort following the procedure can be controlled with medication. Some swelling at the treatment site may last up to 2-5 days. There may be some bruising, which can be covered with makeup. Your initial injection should last from four to six months. Over the first few months some of the fat may be absorbed by your body. The remainder will usually stay in place for years. For results that will last years, patients usually receive two treatments over a six month period.
  • Fat transferred to the face can last as long as several years or even be permanent.