Labia Minora Reduction

Labiaplasty, or Vaginal Lip Reduction

Many women suffer from oversized or asymmetrical labia minora, the folds of skin or “lips” surrounding the entrance to the vagina. While many women are born with this condition and are affected by it throughout their lives, it can also appear later in life with aging or due to stretching during childbirth. Women who have oversized or asymmetrical labia minora often experience discomfort when wearing certain clothing, or during sexual intercourse and it can be a cause of embarrassment with a sexual partner.

  • Avoid asprin or aspirin-containing medicine for 2 weeks before your operation as this can produce bleeding or bruising. Panadol is safe.
  • Avoid vitamin E two weeks prior to surgery as this may also increase bleeding tendency. Vitamin B and C are safe to use.
  • Stop smoking or at least cut back to only a few per day to avoid post-operative tissues, necrosis.
  • Do not drink alcohol for at least two days prior to surgery as alcohol also increases the chances of bleeding and bruising.

The labiaplasty procedure is performed in outpatient surgery clinic. The labia reduction procedure is relatively pain free. Small incisions are made to remove any excess tissue or to even out the edges of the labia minora. After surgery, sensation in the labia minora are normal and occasionally enhanced. The results of labiaplasty are even aesthetically pleasing labia minora.

AnesthesiaUsually locally with sedation
Surgery Length1-2 hours.
Side Effects
Recovery PeriodBack to work: 1-2 day. Strenuous activities, alcohol: about 1 weeks.
Stay in Hospital
Stay in Thailand2 days
  • Outpatient surgery, so patient returns home right after surgery.
  • Patient can resume normal everyday light activities the same or next day, and intercourse within 7-10 days.
  • Patient can shower on the day following surgery.
  • Only minimal pain that is mostly gone by the next day and usually does not require any medications.
  • Swelling is mild to moderate and peaks around two to three days then disappears rapidly over the next three weeks.
  • Typically minimal or no bruising.
  • No stitches to remove